AMA-Gütesiegel Tierhaltung plaus, Vorlarlberg Milch

AMA Quality Seal

The AMA Quality Seal is a quality label recognised by the authorities. 

It provides a reliable indication of traceable origins, high quality and independent inspection.

AMA Quality Seal products are subject to quality requirements that go far and above the legal standards and they are monitored using objective methods. In connection with Austria’s national colours, the AMA Quality Seal guarantees the product’s traceable origins.

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Proven Quality.

Käsepflege2, Vorarlberg Milch


In addition to each business’s mandatory in-house controls, the internal systems are inspected regularly by independent, specialised, state-accredited examiners. They in turn are monitored by AMA inspectors.

The 3-G rule

Milk products are only awarded the red-white-red AMA seal if the cows are kept, fed and milked (gehalten, gefüttert, gemolken) in Austria. For products with the AMA Quality Seal, all processing mus take place in an Austrian dairy.

Officially recognised

Food products feature all kinds of brands and logos. The AMA Quality Seal and the AMA Organic Seal are unique: they are awarded as a result of AMA’s legal mandate. The guidelines they are based on must be approved by the BMNT in Austria.


In addition to each business’s mandatory in-house controls, the internal systems are inspected regularly by independent, specialised, state-accredited examiners. They in turn are monitored by AMA inspectors.

The 3-G rule

Milk products are only awarded the red-white-red AMA seal if the cows are kept, fed and milked (gehalten, gefüttert, gemolken) in Austria. For products with the AMA Quality Seal, all processing mus take place in an Austrian dairy.

Officially recognised

Food products feature all kinds of brands and logos. The AMA Quality Seal and the AMA Organic Seal are unique: they are awarded as a result of AMA’s legal mandate. The guidelines they are based on must be approved by the BMNT in Austria.

AMA - Marketing GesmbH.
AMA - Marketing GesmbH.
Proven quality Austria.
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