
Terms of use and copyright

All graphics, images, animations and documents published on the Internet portal are protected by copyright and may only be used for private viewing purposes. Vorarlberg Milch eGen holds the copyright for all works on this server. The published graphics, images, animations and documents may not be copied or passed on in whole or in part. Only copying to your own hard drive for the purpose of faster program execution or viewing is permitted.

Permission for commercial use as well as any other use in printed or electronic form is only granted on request. The request must be sent directly to the author by email. A permit is only deemed to have been granted if the requesting party has received a written confirmation.

Disclaimer of liability
Vorarlberg Milch eGen assumes no liability for the content of the information. This information can be changed, removed or supplemented immediately and without prior notice. Vorarlberg Milch eGen assumes no responsibility or liability for the completeness, up-to-dateness and correctness of this information. As far as errors and mistakes become known, these will be corrected as soon as possible. Some documents on the website contain references to information from other organizations or companies whose websites can be reached via links. Vorarlberg Milch eGen regards it as a service to make these pages accessible to visitors to the Vmilch portal for reasons of information. Vorarlberg Milch eGen assumes no liability for the content, relevance, up-to-dateness or correctness of this information.

User risk of use
The user is aware that the downloading of data is carried out at his own discretion and risk; he is responsible for any damage to his computer system, even if this leads to data loss. Vorarlberg Milch eGen and Telekom as a provider endeavor to use state-of-the-art and economically justifiable security technologies, but cannot guarantee that under no circumstances will virus-contaminated emails be sent or attacks by hackers via this website that are made possible by basic product errors will. Messages Mail traffic from the portal with Vorarlberg Milch eGen is neither monitored nor released.

Contact Person
Should you discover any errors or mistakes in the content of this website, please contact Vorarlberg Milch. Email:

Your suggestions, ideas and suggestions for improving the website are always welcome. Email: Even if not explicitly written out in the text, all personal formulations refer to female and male persons. By opening the pages of the portal, the above conditions are accepted.

© 2012, Vorarlberg Milch eGen, all rights reserved