Ländle quality seal
The Ländle quality seal is designed to reinforce trust between the farming industry and consumers in Vorarlberg – the region also known in Austria as “Ländle”. It highlights the controlled quality with a defined value-added ratio in Vorarlberg. Products bearing the Ländle quality seal are safe, regional, non-GMO, environment- and animal-friendly and independently inspected.
The Ländle quality seal is awarded to traditional and organic products. In addition to safety for consumers, it supports fair price levels for farmers and boosts self-sufficiency in Vorarlberg.

HELD, FED and MILKED in Vorarlberg
The 3G rule for dairy products.

Ländle milk
Milk is Vorarlberg’s main agricultural product. Around 1,150 farmers produce high quality milk here – that’s a total of about 170 million kilos from 25,311 cows.
Ländle dairy products
Ländle milk and dairy product are available in organic and conventional varieties.
Inspected quality
Vorarlberg is a pioneer in monitoring the origins of milk and dairy products. The EU awarded Vorarlberger Alpkäse and Bergkäse the protected designation of origin (PDO) in 1996.