Laendle Qualität, Vorarlberg Milch

OHNEgenTECHNIK hergestellt

Foods that carry this label are guaranteed non-GMO. The production criteria that govern them are monitored regularly by an independent inspection body. The name and control number of the body performing the inspections are indicated on the label.

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Currently, there is not a single product on the shelves of Austrian retail food outlets that would need to be labelled “contains GMOs” under the EU Labelling Regulation for genetically modified food and feed (EG 1829/2003 and/or 1830/2003).

TetraPak Übersicht

100% Vorarlberg milk for our cheese.

Picking up the milk from the farms every day guarantees freshness and safety.

Milchwagen, Vorarlberg Milch


Most of the products bearing this label are in the following categories: milk and dairy, bread and bakery products, eggs, soy and soy products, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.

Inspection provides peace of mind.

All foods bearing the “ohne GENtechnik hergestellt” (non-GMO) quality seal are checked regularly by independent inspection bodies. That guarantees that no genetic engineering is used to make them, all the way through to the finished product.

The organisation

ARGE Gentechnik-frei was established as an association in 1997 with the aim of setting up a reliable framework for the production, labelling and inspection of non-GMO food.


Most of the products bearing this label are in the following categories: milk and dairy, bread and bakery products, eggs, soy and soy products, poultry, and fruit and vegetables.

Inspection provides peace of mind.

All foods bearing the “ohne GENtechnik hergestellt” (non-GMO) quality seal are checked regularly by independent inspection bodies. That guarantees that no genetic engineering is used to make them, all the way through to the finished product.

The organisation

ARGE Gentechnik-frei was established as an association in 1997 with the aim of setting up a reliable framework for the production, labelling and inspection of non-GMO food.

NOT genetically modified.
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