ÖGNI certification in gold
First dairy in the world!

v.l.n.r.: Alfred Haßler - BHM-Ingeniure, Markus Huber - Auditor, Peter Engert - GF ÖGNI, Raimund Wachter - GF Vorarlberg Milch, Alexander Stroppa - GF Hilti & Jehle
Vorarlberg Milch is the world’s first dairy awarded a gold certificate by the Österreichische Gesellschaft für nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft (ÖGNI; Austrian Sustainable Building Council).
GOLD for the multi-generation project

Confirmation of the value of this unusual project came in the form of a DGNB certificate in gold from the ÖGNI. The company became the first dairy in the world and the first logistics building in western Austria to receive a DGNB certificate in gold. The DGNB certification system examines the entire life cycle of a building.
It assesses the various aspects involved in sustainability, from design to construction through to operation. The responsible use of resources, maintaining value and user comfort are key components in a property’s design, construction and operation. “The DGNB system represents a holistic view comprising economy, ecology, sociocultural aspects, technology, processes and location. All these criteria were met to an exemplary degree in the Vorarlberg Milch multi-generation project in Feldkirch,” said ÖGNI CEO Peter Engert, congratulating the company on the ÖGNI gold certificate.